Stowaways, the subjunctive, and filler words
November 13, 2023
Hello friend, We dig into the Radio Ambulante archives for this week's featured story about stowaways on a journey from Peru to New York. After you listen to the tale, flex your grammar skills on the Spanish subjunctive, learn how to buy time with filler words, or flip through our picks from around the web. |
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Language learning tip of the week
Spanish subjunctive
When it comes to spotting the Spanish subjunctive, you’ve got to look beyond the verbs themselves — after all, the subjunctive only changes the word slightly (ex. tú miras > tú mires). To recognize the subjunctive more easily, look for patterns instead. There are a handful of situations and expressions that always trigger the subjunctive:
Wishes: You don’t always need a genie to get your wishes granted.
- Quiero que me invites a la fiesta. = I want you to invite me to the party.
Emotions: Make yourself heard with emotional verbs + que (that).
- Me alegra que ustedes se lleven bien. = I’m glad that you guys get along.
Impersonal Expressions: Describe a situation with the verb ser (to be) + an adjective of your choice.
- Es interesante que tengamos tanto en común. = It’s interesting that we have so much in common.
Recommendations/Requests: For when you just can’t keep your two cents to yourself.
- Recomiendo que vayas a otro doctor. = I recommend that you go to another doctor.
Doubt: Sometimes you’re just not sure, and that’s okay.
- Dudo que venga mañana. = I doubt that he’ll come tomorrow.
Ojalá: This Arabic-rooted word (lit. “God willing”) is used to mean something like “I hope.”
- Ojalá que haga sol mañana. = I hope it’s sunny tomorrow. (Watch this short video on ojalá.)
Recognizing patterns is a huge part of mastering the subjunctive. If you find yourself slowing down to remember whether to use it or not, don’t worry, with enough practice it’ll become second nature!

ICYMI: Filler words, en español
Do you use words like "um," "uh," "you know," or "I mean..." when speaking? Most of us do. These are known as "filler" words and can be used to stall for time, connect thoughts, or even lessen the impact of a statement. Filler words exist in Spanish too and can be quite useful for language learners. Watch this video and learn how to use words like este, pues, and more to buy yourself time in conversations.

What we're reading
Psychologist shares his No.1 brain hack for critical thinking and memory skills
Speaking a second language can make you more rational, improve your decision-making skills and boost your memory, says the University of Chicago's David Gallo.

The (Bilingual) Trolley Problem
This Instagram video from BBC World Service quickly describes a research study on the effects of native vs second-language on ethical decision making. The findings may surprise you!

Tourist's Juice Order Triggers Bomb Scare
Take care when using auto-translators. A tourist accidentally sparked a bomb scare at a restaurant in Lisbon when he asked his translation app to convert the word pomegranate.

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